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"We do not want a satisfied customer, but an enthusiastic customer" - Achim Haller, Managing Director

Find out more about our projects in success stories

SMS Elotherm Group: The first virtual Global Sales Meeting was a complete success


How we created a concept for the virtual annual conference together with the SMS Elotherm Group and how the event was carried out. 

Success Story- SMS Elotherm Group
Wörtliches Zitat des Vice President von SMS Elotherm Group

These customers trust us

Eicherfreunde Schwarzwald e.V: Live-Votings for all members

Find out:

How we organized the general meeting of the last two years for the Eicherfreunde Schwarzwald e.V on our platform.

Technical University of Ingolstadt Institute for New Energy Systems: >400 participants in two conferences


How we integrated two virtual laboratory tours, as well as a 360° reception hall and several discussion rooms on our platform for New Energy Systems  THI. 

Eicherfreunde Schwarzwald e.V: Live-Votings for all members

Find out:

How we organized the general meeting of the last two years for the Eicherfreunde Schwarzwald e.V on our platform.

Aufgeklappter Laptop mit Veranstaltungsinformationen
Wörtliches Zitat von dem Schriftführer des Eicherfreunde Schwarzwald e.V.
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